Judul : TASAF Tanzania Jobs at Dodoma (4 Vacancies)
link : TASAF Tanzania Jobs at Dodoma (4 Vacancies)
TASAF Tanzania Jobs at Dodoma (4 Vacancies)
The United Republic of Tanzania is implementing the Productive Social Safety Net Program
(PSSN) in the Third Phase of the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF III). The Program is jointly financed by the World Bank, the Department for International Development (DFID), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other development partners. It is a 10-year Program, implemented in two phases of five years, each. The Government is implementing this nationwide safety net Program with a view to reducing poverty and improving the lives of the poor. The objective of TASAF III is “to enable poor households to increase incomes and opportunities while improving consumption”. TASAF III targets people living under the basic needs poverty line (currently 33.6% of the population).
The Program consists of the following parts: Part 1 on Consolidation of Integrated Social Safety Net Interventions for extremely poor and Food Insecure Households and Part 2: on Institutional Strengthening. The development objective is to create a comprehensive, efficient well targeted Productive Social Safety Net Systems for the poor and vulnerable Section of the Tanzania population.
TASAF is now looking for competent and committed candidates who meet the minimum qualification stated below to fill the under-mentioned vacant positions.
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Community Support to manage the public works functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Executive Director to manage the Human and Administrative functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Finance to manage the finance I and accounting functions of the Project as specified in the | Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Community Support to manage the conditional cash transfer functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
Key Performance Measures:
Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Interested candidates who meet these minimum qualifications and experience should submit an application letter. The application letter should be accompanied with detailed CV. certified certificates, names and contact information of three professional referees with their postal addresses, telephone numbers and email (if available) no later than 29th March. 2019 16:00hrs and addressed to;
Executive Director
Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)
PSPF Building – Third floor
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Road
P. O. Box 2719
Apply online Through
Please indicate on the envelope the post applied for.
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(PSSN) in the Third Phase of the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF III). The Program is jointly financed by the World Bank, the Department for International Development (DFID), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other development partners. It is a 10-year Program, implemented in two phases of five years, each. The Government is implementing this nationwide safety net Program with a view to reducing poverty and improving the lives of the poor. The objective of TASAF III is “to enable poor households to increase incomes and opportunities while improving consumption”. TASAF III targets people living under the basic needs poverty line (currently 33.6% of the population).
The Program consists of the following parts: Part 1 on Consolidation of Integrated Social Safety Net Interventions for extremely poor and Food Insecure Households and Part 2: on Institutional Strengthening. The development objective is to create a comprehensive, efficient well targeted Productive Social Safety Net Systems for the poor and vulnerable Section of the Tanzania population.
TASAF is now looking for competent and committed candidates who meet the minimum qualification stated below to fill the under-mentioned vacant positions.
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Community Support to manage the public works functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
- Undertake public works duties within the prescribed policies and procedures of TASAF. in particular coordinating interventions of the Public Works Program Department.
- Be responsible for managing data base for public works interventions that captures; number of beneficiaries by sex. wages paid, funded, completed and certified subprojects.
- Coordinate preparation of multi year plans by PAAs to guarantee predictability of transfers for the targeted beneficiaries.
- Identify technical support requirements for implementation of PW interventions and ensure availability of required training materials and support.
- Ensure compliance to PW implementation benchmarks by PAAs.
- Prepare and update a guide for the PAAs on the number of PWP interventions needed to absorb the annual number of PW working days based on the number of beneficiaries in the village.
- Participate in the preparation of IEC materials for public works program.
- Coordinate verification of PW subprojects applications reviewed by PAA Technical Assistants ready for submission to SET on sample basis.
- Compilation and review of subproject batches prior to submission to NSC for endorsement.
- Prepare and compile department annual implementation plan and budgets.
- Consolidate implementation progress reports in the department.
- Conduct performance appraisals of public works department using agreed upon performance indicators.
- Be a member of the TASAF management team.
- Perform any other official duties as may be assigned by the Director of Community Support.
- A Masters Degree in Civil Engineering. Agricultural Engineering. Land Use Planning. Forestry or any other related field from a recognized university.
- At least ten (10) years experience in relevant field in Public and / or Private Sectors and at least five years (5) managerial experience.
- A recognized professional qualification where applicable
- Must be computer literate.
- Must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of and experience with donor funded project.
- Experience with community based development initiative and social fund related operations are an added advantage.
- High level of communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with people at all levels.
- Ability to supervise, train and coach staff in relevant skills.
- Self motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality
- Existence of updated and operational public works data base.
- Public works applications are processed within agreed benchmark
- Existence of an updated multi year plans for public works.
- Number of PW applications funded and completed.
- Existence of timely prepared quarterly and annual implementation progress reports.
- Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Executive Director to manage the Human and Administrative functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
- Update the Administration Handbook and implement administrative procedures to ensure smooth project implementation;
- Develop and maintain active communication linkage within TASAF Management Unit;
- Administer condition of services in relation to staff recruitment, staff welfare, discipline, appraisal systems and human resources duties etc;
- Prepare a comprehensive annual work program for Human Resources Department;
- Participate in preparation and compilation of Unit’s annual implementation plan and budgets.
- Ensures adherence to TASAF rules, regulations and procedures at all
- Coordinate activities leading to negotiations of staff contracts with collaborating institutions including seeking legal opinion on matters relating to TASAF operations and management of human resources;
- Conduct induction activities and organize TMU staff career development in collaboration with respective directorates;
- Maintain and update staff records in the Human Resource Management system;
- Provide technical support in formulating and developing human resources development programs;
- Maintain updated inventory register.
- Assess and compile capacity building requirements of human resources staff at all
- Conduct performance appraisals of human resources staff using agreed upon performance indicators.
- Be a member of the TASAF management team.
- Perform any other official duties as may be assigned by the Executive Director
- Holder of Masters Degree in Human Resources Management. Business Administration. Sociology or any other related field from a recognized University.
- At least ten (10) years experience in relevant field in Public and / or Private Sectors of which five (5) years must be at managerial position.
- Must be computer literate.
- Must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of and experience with donor funded project.
- High level of communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with people at all levels..
- Ability to supervise, train and coach staff in relevant skills.
- Self-motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality.
- Existence of updated staff and leave records;
- Existence of updated annual TMU staff training programs;
- Existence of proper management of fixed assets and office utilities;
- Existence of secure and conducive working environment;
- Existence of effective staff performance appraisal system.
- Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Finance to manage the finance I and accounting functions of the Project as specified in the | Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
- Undertake accounting duties within the prescribed policies and procedures of TASAF. in particular maintaining the financial and accounts records.
- Produce Interim Financial Reports and / or end of the year Financial Statements for Government of Tanzania, World Bank, other Development Partners, External Auditor and TMU.
- Prepare a comprehensive annual work program for the Accounts Department;
- Supervise capturing of the Project approved annual budget in the Financial Management and Accounting System (FMAS) in line with the Chart of Accounts; j e) Supervise capturing of all the approved expenditure/ transfers/subprojects requests from the Project Area Authority in the Financial Management and Accounting System prior to effecting payments; i f) Create new approved accounts code in the FMAS; j g) Scrutinize and analyze expenditure reports from the PAAs to ensure that only eligible expenditures are financed from TASAF funds in accordance with the Financing Agreement;
- Prepare and compile department annual implementation plan and budgets.
- Prepare schedules of outstanding balances and follow up overdue advances, transfers and staff imprest for further action.
- Maintain and regularly update of Fixed Assets Register and inventory sheets.
- Participate in the development or upgrading of Financial and Management and Accounting System.
- Ensure smooth operation of the FMAS;
- Ensure accurate and timely consolidation of data from the PAAs and TASAF Management Unit for generation/ preparation of Financial Management Reports and Statement of Expenditure in collaboration with the Disbursement Manager for application/replenishment of funds from the World Bank through the Ministry of Finance.
- Ensure appropriate back-up for data on daily basis and its safe storage.
- Ensure that bank statements for Project banks accounts are collected and monthly bank reconciliation statements are prepared and approved. Prepare budget variance analysis and submit to respective Vote holders monthly.
- Vouch Payments Vouchers (PVs) files on regular basis to make sure that the PVs are filed serially with relevant supporting documents and are appropriately approved.
- Provide input to management responses to internal and external audit queries.
- Prepare the approved TMU responses to External Auditors observations and recommendations for submission to the Government of Tanzania. World Bank. National Audit Office and other Development Partners within the prescribed period..
- Assess and compile capacity building requirements of accounts staff at all levels.
- Conduct performance appraisals of accounts staff using agreed upon performance indicators.
- Be a member of the TASAF management team.
- Perform any other official duties as may be assigned by the Director of Finance.
- Holder of Masters Degree in Finance. Accounting and Finance Business Administration or any other related field from recognized university.
- Must possess internationally recognized accounting professional qualification such as CPA (T), ACCA, CIMA. CISA or other related profession.
- Must be registered with the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) in the category of Associate Certified Public Accountant (ACPA) or Fellow Certified Public Accountant (FCPA).
- At least ten (10) years experience in relevant field in Public and / or Private Sectors of which five (5) years must be at managerial position.
- Must have a working knowledge of computerized Accounting and Audit systems.
- Must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of and experience with donor funded project.
- High level of communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with people at all levels..
- Ability to supervise, train and coach staff in relevant skills.
- Self motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality.
- Evidence of comprehensive annual work program;
- Accurate coding and capturing of accounts transaction in the system;
- Timely preparation of Interim Financial Reports and / or Financial Statements for TASAF Management Unit, the Government of Tanzania. World Bank. National Audit Office and other Development Partners;
- Timely Accountability of Transfers. Advances and Staff Imprests.
- Timely implementation of Internal and External Auditors recommendations
Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Main Task:
To assist the Director of Community Support to manage the conditional cash transfer functions of the Project as specified in the Financing Agreement and Operational Manual.
Principles Duties and Responsibilities:
She/he shall-
- Undertake conditional cash transfer functions within the prescribed policies and procedures of TASAF. in particular coordinating interventions of the department.
- Be responsible for managing database for conditional cash transfer interventions.
- Identify technical support requirements for implementation of conditional cash transfer interventions and ensure availability of required training materials and support.
- Ensure compliance to conditional cash transfer implementation benchmarks by PAAs.
- Ensure generation of payment lists for PAAs.
- Participate in the preparation of IEC materials for conditional cash transfers.
- Ensure adherence to the Master Calendar by Project Area Authorities and other players.
- Ensure the integration of reconciliation of transfers and key records of transactions
- Review payment request for beneficiaries’ transfers prior submission to NSC for endorsement.
- Prepare and compile department annual implementation plan and budgets.
- Consolidate implementation progress reports in the department.
- Be a member of the TASAF Management Team.
- Coordinate and facilitate regular assessment of capacity enhancement needs of PAAs and target groups related to conditional cash transfer activities;
- Prepare materials for conditional cash transfer orientation and training in
- Ensure adherence to procedures for collection of compliance data from health facilities and schools;
- Ensure collection of data for registry update and cases for verification of compliance;
- Ensure collection of various forms according to the Master Calendar;
- Prepare work plans on quarterly and annual basis,
- Consolidate implementation progress reports in the department.
- Conduct performance appraisals of conditional cash transfer Program Officers using agreed upon performance indicators.
- Perform any other official duties as may be assigned by the Director of Community
- A Masters Degree in Social Science, Economics and Business Administration or any other development related field from a recognized
- At least ten (10) years experience in relevant field in Public and / or Private Sectors and at least five years (5) managerial experience.
- Should be knowledgeable of various cash transfers operations;
- Experience in the management of social/community development projects
- Must be computer literate.
- Must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of and experience with donor funded project.
- High level of communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with people at all
- Ability to supervise, train and coach staff in relevant
- Self motivated with integrity and high level of confidentiality
Key Performance Measures:
- Existence of updated and operational conditional cash transfer data base.
- Number of beneficiaries receiving cash transfer benefits.
- Cash transfers processed within agreed benchmarks.
- Existence of database of integrated reconciliation of the transfer and
- Existence of timely prepared quarterly and annual implementation progress reports
Duration of Contract: Terms of Contract is 2 years
Duty Station: TASAF Head Office – Dodoma
Interested candidates who meet these minimum qualifications and experience should submit an application letter. The application letter should be accompanied with detailed CV. certified certificates, names and contact information of three professional referees with their postal addresses, telephone numbers and email (if available) no later than 29th March. 2019 16:00hrs and addressed to;
Executive Director
Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)
PSPF Building – Third floor
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Road
P. O. Box 2719
Apply online Through
Please indicate on the envelope the post applied for.
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